Wednesday 9 May 2012

Shila Ghosh, 83 years hawker.

Shila Ghosh : A lady 83 years old who lives at pali in West Bengal. Every evening she comes from Pali to kolkata to sell the fries.The pedestrians out of respect buy the fries from her. After lung cancer took away her only son from her 5 years back,to make ends meet she works. Her nephew aged 30 works as a mover on meagre wages in pali. When asked if she has a problem in travelling,she weakly smile ans says “No,the bus gets me here and my health is not that bad”.

She earns 400 rupees per day but still it is less for her family of four.Circumstances could have easily forced her to beg but her dignity and respect is everything for her,she would work till the end of her life rather than beg on the streets. When we go on complaining she has chose to solve her problems on her own for as they say God helps them those who help themselves.

She is a determined women and deserves our respect...


Saturday 28 April 2012

Amazing CFD Results !!

Following simulation results are simply awesome !!

Simulation of air-breathing Pulse Detonation Engines.

 Simulation of AMCA, (India's future indigeneous fighter aircraft) done by National Aerospace Laboratory (NAL) in Bangalore. 

Thursday 19 April 2012

List of few CFD Companies working in India

CD-Adapco India Pvt Ltd., Banglore/Pune
 ANSYS Software Pvt Ltd., Pune/Banglore
Products: ANSYS Workbench, ANSYS Multiphysics, ANSYS Mechanical, ANSYS CFX-5,ANSYS Structural, ANSYS Professional, ANSYS LS-DYNA, ANSYS Emag, ANSYSICEM CFD, ANSYS DesignSpace, ANSYS AI*Environment, ANSYS DesignXplorer,ANSYS DesignModeler, ANSYS Drop Test, ANSYS Fatigue, Frequency Sweep VT,ANSYS DesignXplorer VT, ANSYS ParaMesh, ANSYS CFX-BladeGen, ANSYS CFX-TurboGrid and ANSYS ED.

Zeus Numerix, IIT, Mumbai
Zeus Numerix an IT company working in the areas of CFD is promoted by IITans atMumbai. CFDTUTOR and CFDEXPERT are their main software products. They work in CFD related consulting and product development work for a number of companies.

ESI Software(India) Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore/Pune
ESI Group is the world leading software editor for the numerical simulation of prototypeand \ manufacturing process engineering in applied mechanics. ESI Group and its globalnetwork of agents provide sales and technical support to customers in more than 30 countries. Its advanced CFD software includes CFD-ACE+, CFD-FASTRAN, CFD-CADalyzer and CFD-TOPO.

Pacific Mindware Engineering Private Limited, Pune
Mindware Engineering is a provider of innovative solutions to complex problems usingknowledge based engineering. We are a provider of comprehensive CFD and CAEconsulting services (CAD clean-up, meshing and simulation). Advanced tools combinedwith an experienced organization and excellent customer relations can support all flowmodeling necessities. Mindware's 14 years of CFD and CAE experience allows to be theleader in engineering consulting services in a variety of engineering industries.
Tetrahedrix, Pune
It is a Pune based company, provide software development services for the followingfields :Computational geometry and topology. Mesh generation for CFD and CAD. CFDsolvers. Scientific visualization (post processing for CFD and CAD solvers.

John F. Welch Technology Centre, Bangalore
The John F. Welch Technology Centre (JFWTC), Bangalore, is General Electric’s (GE)first and largest integrated, multidisciplinary Research and Development Center outsidethe US. JFWTC, the $80 million state-of-the-art facility is GE's hub for technology,research and innovation. Over 2200 scientists, researchers and engineers work in virtualteams with their counterparts worldwide, in areas like Electromagnetic Analytics,Composite Material Design, Color Technology, Additive Technology, Non-DestructiveEvaluation, Corrosion Technology, MEMS, Molecular Modeling, Power Electronics,Analysis Technologies, Computational Fluid Dynamics and Engineering Analysis. 

NFOTEC, Bangalore
It introduce NUMECA International a worldwide CFD company active in developmentand sales of software systems for computer simulations of flows of gases and liquids. NUMECA products are based on the latest CFD technology and standards. It has closeinteraction with universities, technical, educational & research institutions. For designand development NFOTEC has latest high-speed desktop computing systems withsoftware for 2D and 3D modeling, drafting and

Transoft International, Bangalore
A world leader in three dimensional computer simulation of Environment, IndustrialRisks and Structural mechanics and Computational Fluid Dynamics problems.Establishedin 1987, is a Engineering consultancy services organization working in the field of FluidFlow, Fluid Structure Interaction, Heat Transfer, Environment & Industrial Safety andRisk Analysis. Transoft also owns software used in consultancy services mentionedabove under the trade name "fluidyn".
Applied Thermal Technologies, Pune
 It is a subsidiary of Aavid Thermalloy ,the world leader in design, development and production of thermal management systems.Its product include heat sinks, interface materials and attachment accessories, fans andliquid cooling. Our services include conceptual cooling solutions, detailed design and engineering, prototyping, testing and training. 

CSM Software Pvt. Ltd – Bangalore, Chennai, New Delhi
CSM offers a wide range of expertise in handling complex CFD problems from computational mesh generation to the analysis. CSM works closely with CD-Adapco, UK, a leading CFDsoftware company that provides STAR-CD, the renowned CFD code for over ten years. CSMteam of CFD specialists has extensive experience in successfully executing complex CFD projects for leading automobile and aerospace industries in Europe and USA. They have a office in Kolkata,India also.

Delphi India, Gurgaon
As a world leader in automotive systems and components, Delphi is providingcomprehensive product solutions to vehicle original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) around the world. Delphi has two business sectors a) Dynamics, Propulsion and ThermalSector b) Electrical, Electronics, Safety & Interior Sector. These two sectors providecomprehensive product solutions to complex customer needs. Delphi has approximately 187,000 employees and operates 169 wholly owned manufacturing sites, 42 jointventures, 53 customer centers and sales offices and 32 technical centers in 41 countries.
In India, there are five manufacturing facilities located in Bangalore, Noida, and Gurgaon, besides the Technical Center located in Bangalore. Delphi's key customers inIndia include Maruti Udyoug Limited, General Motors India, Daewoo Motors, Fiat, Hindustan Motors, Volvo and Telco. 

Flomerics India Pvt. Ltd,Bangalore
 Flomerics provides simulation software tools and services - primarily to the electronicsindustry - to improve and accelerate the physical design process. Flomerics develops anumber of complementary software programs, which deal with different aspects of the physical design of electronics (FLOTHERM, FLO/EMC, FLO/PCB, FLOPACK, FLO/MCAD, SmartParts3D, Micro-Stripes). Flomerics also develops FLOVENT, asoftware program which is applied to the heating, air-conditioning and ventilation of  buildings. 

Sunday 1 April 2012

Noshir Gowadia (unconfirmed) father of Chinese stealth technology

  First there were lot of news and rumors that China is probably developing a secret stealth bomber like B-2 Spirit and then come the rumors that China might be into development of stealth fighters in the class of F-22 Raptor. Then on December 2010, the world sees the first pictures of what seemed to be a Chinese stealth fighter and by January 2011 it was confirmed that China was indeed developing and testing stealth fighters. The world was confused as in how China a country which has been notorious for reverse engineering fighter planes of Russian origin could have indigenously developed a stealth fighter with record time and very little research & development. And now on February 2012 we have confirmed news that China is developing the second stealth fighter Shenyang J-16 code named Silent Flanker.
  Thanks to Noshir Sheriarji Gowadia who I refer to as the “Father of Chinese stealth technology” I believe China was able to develop such advanced technologies in such a short time. Noshir Gowadia was born in Mumbai, India emigrated to the United States and is now a naturalized U.S. citizen. He worked for Northrop from 1968 to 1986, as a design engineer, Gowadia was the principal designers of the B-2 Spirit stealth bomber, who conceptually designed the B-2 Bomber’s entire propulsion system and called himself the “father of the technology that protects the B-2 stealth bomber from heat-seeking missiles.” Besides the infrared suppression systems of B-2 Spirit it is unclear what other technologies of the bomber Gowadia had access to. In 1999, he founded N.S. Gowadia, Inc, which is described as providing “research and development, engineering services, technical consulting and any business related thereto.”
  In October 2005, Noshir Gowadia who worked for Northrop for 18 years was accused of disclosing the stealth bomber’s infrared-suppression secrets to representatives from eight foreign governments. He was charged with one count of willfully communicating national defense information to a person not entitled to receive it, which falls under federal espionage statutes. Several classified documents from the engineer’s days at Northrop and when he was a contract engineer in the 1990s at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico were found in his $ 4 Million house in Hawai. He confessed of sharing classified information “both verbally and in papers, computer presentations, letters and other methods, to establish the technological credibility with the potential customers for future business.”  Gowadia was also charged with helping to design stealth technology for Chinese missiles, and with money laundering.
  From 2003 to 2005 Noshir Gowadia made six trips to China, conspiring to conceal some of his visits by getting border agents to leave immigration stamps off his passport. The city of his interest was Chengdu, the same city home to the Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group and also the company that developed Chengdu J-20 stealth fighter. He’s also accused of attempting to sell classified stealth technology to the Swiss government and to businesses in Israel and Germany. On several other occasions, Gowadia provided “extensive amounts of classified information” to individuals in a third unspecified country while teaching a course on “low observable technology.” In 1999, Gowadia taught a course to foreigners in a second unspecified country, including information deemed “secret” that he had access to while working for Northrop and as a subcontractor for Los Alamos. In 2002, Gowadia faxed a proposal to develop infrared-suppression technology on military aircraft to a representative in an unspecified foreign country. The information included in the document was classified at the “top secret” level and made specific mention of the classified defense system in the United States.
  For years Nohsir Gowadia marketed himself as the “father of the technology that protects the B-2 stealth bomber from heat-seeking missiles.” Attracting many potential international customers, Gowadia “has marketed and disclosed United States military technology secrets related to the B-2 to foreign governments in order to ‘assist’ them in obtaining a higher level of military technology,” says FBI Special Agent Thatcher Mohajerin. Gowadia’s engineering contract business, N.S. Gowadia Inc., made nearly $750,000 between 1999 and 2003. But prosecutors believe Gowadia’s actual income was much higher. The investigation,  showed Gowadia “likely” maintains several offshore bank accounts. Assistant U.S. Attorney Ken Sorenson cited the sheer volume of discovery in the case, which includes information that has yet to be formally classified by the Air Force and a substantial amount of evidence from foreign countries involved.
  On January, 2011, he was sentenced to 32 years in prison, the same month Chengdu J-20 Chinese stealth fighter went public. Gowadia is currently incarcerated in the ADX Florence, with a release date of September 11, 2033. Thanks to him China now has three stealth projects in development.

Source :

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Cayley Aerospace Inc CEO European Engineer Bishnujee Singh named a top minority in science

    Cayley Aerospace Inc CEO Bishnujee Singh is recipient of Black Engineer of the Year's Science Spectrum Trail Blazer Award 2012 by Council of Engineering Deans, Lockheed Martin Corporation and Career Communication Group at BEYA STEM Conference on February 16,2012 at Philadelphia, USA.
The Trailblazers are outstanding Hispanic, Asian American, Native American, and Black professionals in the science arena whose leadership and innovative thinking on the job and in the community extend throughout and beyond their industry.

    The chosen Science Spectrum Trailblazer winners have all made a significant, quantifiable, personal impact on the industry and their communities. Many maintain a powerful position of influence regarding public policy for minorities in science. Trailblazers are men and women who are demonstrating outstanding performance that will shape the future course of science and technology. Trailblazers are science leaders whose stories of phenomenal success merit national recognition.

    Mr. Singh has numerous achievements and Honors till date from across the continents. Mr.Singh heads the Cayley Aerospace Inc in Lynnwood, Washington with subsidiary branches Cayley Engineering UK Limited in UK, Cayley Aerospace-China, Cayley Engineering Egypt Limited in Cairo, Egypt. Mr.Singh was born in Kolkata and has been Master of Science in Advanced Engineering from Sheffield Hallam in United Kingdom. Mr.Singh has been also Aeronautical Engineering Graduate from The Aeronautical Society of India.
Mr. Singh has been awarded with Modern Day Technology Leader Award in 2011 at BEYA meeting in Washington DC,USA. Mr.Singh has been also honored with Legacy Award on June 2011 at Florida, USA by MIRS, WOC, and BEYA Alumni Reunion meet.

    Cayley Aerospace Inc is Chartered Engineer Corporation in Pacific Northwest in Seattle and has been Accredited Aircraft Engineering and Certification Corporation. It's the first Chartered Engineering Corporation with team licensed with Engineering Council-UK and Chartered Professional Engineer team licensed with Engineers Australia. Cayley Aerospace Inc is accredited for Aircraft Appraisals and Valuation services.

 Source: Times of India, Mar 7, 2012.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

JYOTHI REDDY- An Enlightening Inspiration……..

   Every successful story has a painful beginning and every painful beginning has a successful ending ..... Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam...

  An inspiring life story of a lady who was just an agricultural labour, worked for Rs. 5 per day until 1989 now became CEO of Keys software solutions in USA and making millions of money and serving the grass roots of Indian society. Is it awe striking and jaw dropping for you? but you need to believe and accept because you are all going to witness her, listen to her and even talk to her very soon. She is none other than Mrs. D. Anil Jyothi Reddy.

  Her success is not limited to her or her own family, the social service that she renders to the needy folk of society inspires many corporate giants to extend their hand with her to help the needy. The financial support that she renders is not a big issue when it is compared to her life story which has become a living example for millions to take her as inspiration and face the challenges with brave heart. Now many women take her as an example and coming out with courageous hearts to brake the limiting believes as well as glass ceiling which condense their actual growth according to their innate potential.
  Now here are some of the important phases in her much instigating story of her life:

Anila Jyothi Reddy was born in Narasimhula Gudem in Hanumakonda mandal, Warangal District as eldest of four children to a common peasant who has lost his employment during emergency. Her father was joined in Army but could not continue because of his attachment with the family. The military training that he had, the attitude that he developed, was given to her as inheritance. As it was very difficult for the family to meet the both the ends, he was forced to join Jyothi Reddy at BALASADAN, a government orphanage at Hanumakonda as a mother less child. 

  From 5th class to 10th class Jyothi Reddy stayed in orphanage by having solitary life away from home. She used to await if anyone would come and render some help. Particularly during winter season when she used to shiver like anything as her blankets were torn. May be this had a strong influence in her sub conscious and drive her to orphanages often and help the children with all that they require among all the love and feeling of belongingness. Even during summer she never used to go to her village, she used to stay in warden’s house and did all the house hold work for which she was fed.
The empathy that she shows on all the orphans is gained through her own bitter experiences. Recently she made a representation to the Government of India with all her allies to legislate the Rights of the Orphans. She strongly believes the words of Mother Teresa… “ The worst disease in the world is neither poverty nor other, lack of feeling of belongingness, being unwanted is the worst ”. Whenever she visits the Orphanages in India she prefers to spend more time with the orphans. Even they rejoice her company… “ she is more than mother to me’’ says Ranjitha, an orphan who is being sponsored by Jyothi. If you see many college students keep on blaming their environment and parents when they fail to satisfy their wants. A sincere advice to them to visit any orphanage at least once in a year. You better understand the real pain of the life and appreciate what you really have.
   MARRIAGE: Mrs Jyothi Reddy passed 10th class with good marks and she dreamed to continue her education. But her parents have contrary plans. At the age of just 16 they performed her marriage with Mr. SangiReddy because of their dire financial position. It is quiet common in rural India, many parents of girl child treat them as burden and try to remove the burden as soon as possible and perform marriage at an early stage. She was innocent and not knowing much about marital life.. time passed the age of eighteen she became mother of two girls. It was very difficult for her to provide the basic needs of her children to feed them and to look after.

Strong determination to take care of her children made her to persuade her mother-in-law and husband to work in the agriculture to work for money. She worked for Rs. 5 per day as agriculture labour. Many other people who worked along with her on field were impressed by her attitude taught her the basics of hard work of peasants. She worked from 1986 to 89 on field till she got an interesting turn in 1989. Nehru Yuvak Kendra (NYK) started a night school in the village to teach the basic education for adults. As there was no graduate from the village and Jyothi was the only available option, they appointed her as the volunteer to educate the adults after giving some training. It fetched her Rupees 150 per month. She gathered all the co workers in the evenings to the Centre and taught them the basic education with unique play way methods. The Inspection authorities were very much impressed by the initiative and dedication of Jyothi as the volunteer and appointed her Mandal Prerak of Hanumakonda.

  ACADEMIC PURSUIT  After being appointed as Mandal Prerak Jyothi had to visit all the centres of the Warangal district and realized the importance of education and without higher education she can not grow to next levels in life. She completed her graduation and post graduation Distance Mode from Ambedkar Open University. Even University authorities were impressed by her urge for education. She did B. Ed from Anna University and become a
government teacher. But it was not a cake walk for her. She had to cross over all obstacles at home as well as in society. Leaving her village and staying at her work place with her children and husband and balancing family and work and making money by doing all alternative sources as the salary was not sufficient etc,, these were all the different problems higher than the Everests for any rural Indian women. Patience, perseverance and commitment are the secrets of her energy behind this passionate effort.

  AMERICAN DREAM  If the story stopped here there would be nothing much to inspire others. When Jyothi was working as inspector of schools, a relative of her who settled in America came to her place. Jyothi accompanied her during her stay and observed how much change had been taken in the life style of her America settled relative. The way her American relative was spending money for her daughters laid seeds of desires in her. She thought even she could give great future to her daughter if she would go to America and earn there. That time onwards she made up her mind and learnt computers and started saving money for her passport and visa. After series of early failures she could get a visiting visa and flew to America with a little amount but heart filled dreams.
  EARLY TRAILS IN AMERICA: As soon as she landed in America she realized it was not an easy task to settle in America. The people whom she believed would give her shelter and support turned off their faces. As money she brought from India was running off she joined as a salesperson in “ Movie Time ’’ a video shop in New Jersey. She stayed as paying guest in gujarathi family. While she was working iin Video Time a known Indian from Warangal saw her and recommended her name to his brother who owned a company called “ CSAMERICA” and she was appointed as recruiter after being trained. Later a well know company ICSA offered her a good job with handsome salary. Again she faced some problems as her visa was not approved and she went for H1 visa. She had to resign her job in ICSA and again had to work for $5 per hour in nominal jobs till she got her H1 visa.

  ENTREPRENEURSHIP: She went to Mexico for her VISA stamping. All the hardships of obtaining visa gave her an idea of establish her first entrepreneurship to assist the people to get their Visas. Thus Keys software solutions was initiated. It extended it services like developing software solutions and recruitment and other job providing areas. Jyothi came to America in May 2OOO and by September, 2001 she became entrepreneur. She made her cousin as partner as his partner and extended her business to become more profitable.

FULFILMENT OF DREAMSHer hard work, commitment and dedication fetched her the success she dreamed for. She made enough money to take care of her children and her near relatives. Her two daughters could finish higher education in America from prestigious universities and got married to well settled bridegrooms. Her dream to provide good living conditions to her daughters was fulfilled. But she thought it was not here mere responsibility. She has been always thankful to all the people who supported her. She never forgets the pains that she had throughout her life. So she decided to start helping all the needy. She wants to shed tears from the needy orphans who suffer from all inadequacies. She wants to give warmth heart to the pain tinted lives. These thoughts ushered her to take an inspiring turn to extend her service to the humanity.

  SERVING HUMANITY: It is not just a lady went to America and making some money.. and people started calling it as success. It is the attitude and humbleness of Jyothi Reddy which really made the people to notice her and started extending their service to fellow human kind. Jyothi Reddy never forgot her roots. In every visit to India she visits Orphanages, Old age homes and spends time with them, provides them financial assistance. She visits Women’s colleges and empowers them with her life experience. She stands for the orphans and represented to the government to make a legislation to safeguard their rights. She takes her success to heart and not to head. She helped many Indians to settle in America by providing initial shelter and guidance.

  FUTURE VISION: Jyothi Reddy has a vivid and constructive vision to extend her service to needy people. She wants to provide educational facilities and long term result oriented service activities. Everyone should accept the self responsibility and try to be courageous enough to face the challenges. Struggle in life strengthens the caliber of the people. She visits colleges and inspire girl students to take up the self responsibility to empower themselves. She strongly feels that every individual should stop blaming the environment and start helping themselves. God always sends his hidden helping hand through different unexpected sources. We need not to look back when we realize we are responsible for our lives. This is the message that she wants to share with everyone she meets.

  Napoleon Hill says “ Whatever human mind believes and conceives human mind can achieve” So just believe ..believe .. believe .. you can do it…. Have you goal clear and start working on it.

Saturday 14 January 2012

Transparent Mirage

      The French have produced a transparent "mock-ups", as in photos. In the above pictures, the Museum of Le Bourget, the Mirage F1 "crystal" (actually, plexiglass), made ​​in order to show potential clients the internal structure and layout of the onboard systems. It is used in the training of personnel working in the French fighter.
      This kind of learning approch will surely increase the engineering understanding & will also create a physical feel of the disign constrains.


Wednesday 11 January 2012

Catapult test

Nice videos showing the challenges of engineering and Aircraft design:

Monday 9 January 2012

Elattuvalapil Sreedharan - A man who built the Calcutta Metro, Konkan Railway and the Delhi Metro.

   Ellatuvalapil Sreedharan is one of India's greatest civil engineers, the architect of the supposedly unbuildable Konkan Railway linking Mumbai and Mangalore, and, more recently, designer of the Delhi Metro system. 

    It was the early 1970s when Delhi's need for a mass rapid transit system for its increasing population was first felt. Many plans, studies and committees chased this thought in the following decades, leading to the formation of Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) in 1995. But things
     Sreedharan is very good listener but the last word is always his, the senior official says, "He is an inspiring leader who leads by example. He is the reason that most of us who had come on deputation, chose not to go back to our parent departments despite the huge work pressure here." Anuj Dayal, chief PRO of DMRC recalls a visit to Mexico many years ago when some of his colleagues expected to let their hair down and just take it easy for a few days. "The MD, however, ensured that we were on time for not only meetings but also lunch and dinners and maintained official etiquette during our stay." he says. "It's due to his integrity and competence that Sreedharan has made the Delhi Metro what it is today," says M Ramachandran, former secretary, urban development ministry.
   Ramachandran, who was also the Chairman of DMRC for four years, feels that it was Sreedharan's personality, reputation and integrity that helped him push decisions without facing the usual bureaucratic red tape. "He already had a reputation when he joined as MD and that is why he perhaps enjoyed more powers than what another head of a public sector utility would," Ramachandran says. "However, it should also be kept in mind that the central government and other associated agencies also facilitated the project, such as making land available."
   After 14 years at the helm of DMRC, Sreedharan has finally hung his boots but he leaves behind a vast legacy. Delhi's expectation from the Metro are now higher than when Sreedharan joined DMRC and it remains to be seen how his successor carries the mantle. Dharan insists he does not hate any special skills to get the best out of people. "I always found that people cooperate if you work for a good cause," he says.

How to enable "switch user" in Gnome on CentOS 5

You need to follow these steps:
Install the Gnome configuration editor. Start "Add/Remove Software" from the "Applications" menu
MWSnap143 2008-03-12, 22_58_02.png

and search for "gconf".

MWSnap144 2008-03-12, 22_59_45.png

Select gconf-editor and apply.

Then start gconf-editor from the command line:

Select "Find" from the "edit" menu:
MWSnap147 2008-03-12, 23_01_54.png
Search for "user_switch" and rember to also search in keys:
MWSnap148 2008-03-12, 23_02_55.png
find the key user_switch_enabled in the top right pane and tick its value:
 MWSnap149 2008-03-12, 23_03_41.png
Close the editor (there is no save button or command).
Now select Lock Screen" from the "System" menu.
MWSnap150 2008-03-12, 23_04_21.png
The password box will now have a "Switch User" button! remember that the user you're switching to must also have his settings changed as above to get a "Switch User" button from his or her account.


Friday 6 January 2012

Flash player installation


Being as root follow the following:
  1. First you need to install those libraries (.i386 and .x86_64):
    yum install curl compat-libstdc++-33 glibc nspluginwrapper
  2. Once done with the libraries, we need to download the flash player rpm.
  3. mkdir flash
  4. cd flash
  5. download the rpm inside the folder flash.
  6. click here to Download
  7. Next we need to execute the command below to install the rpm. This command should be executed inside the folder, where the rpm is downloaded. Ours is in the folder ‘flash’.
    rpm -ivh flash-plugin-
    (replace with the version of rpm you have downloaded)
  8. Close the Firefox and restart it. You should be able to see the flashes hereafter.


 yet to be updated

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Places to visit in and around KOLKATA

Victorian structures like Victoria Memorial and Prinsep Ghat, historical landmarks like Shaheed Minar, Netaji Bhavan and Indian Museum,
Religious attractions like St. Paul's Cathedral,  Kalighat, Belur Math and Dakshineswar Kali Temple

In & Around Kolkata
Conducted on a daily basis, this tour includes major attractions like Eden Gardens, Calcutta High Court, Writers' Building, Belur Math, Rabindra Setu, Dakshinsehwar Kali Temple, Netaji Bhavan, Kolkata Panaroma (Town Hall), St. Paul's Cathedral and Victoria Memorial. The tour begins at the Tourism Office at 8:30 a.m. and ends by 5:30 p.m., the fee is INR 250. Please note that if the number of tourists is less than 15, the tour is canceled and the amount is refunded. For additional details contact West Bengal Tourism Office, 3/2 B.B.D.Bagh East, +91 33 4401 2659 or visit at 

Walking Tours
Probably the only company that offers Walking Tours of Kolkata for tourists, Calcutta Walks takes you through the city literally on your feet. You will be taken back to the Victorian Era, when beautiful mansions and architectural wonders like Victoria Memorial and Prinsep Ghat were built. It also includes Kumortuli, Shobhabazar, New Market, Park Street establishments like Flurys, where the aristocrats dined. This tour is perfect for all those who do not like to be rushed and wish to capture the city at leisure. Check their website or call +91 98 3018 4030 for booking and price details.

Offbeat Tours
This unique tour offers tourists an option to trace the graves of their ancestors. Many Europeans, when they first landed in Kolkata had to face the harsh living conditions like extreme heat and epidemics, which led to innumerable deaths. The city has many graveyards and burial grounds. Email the requisite details at and the rest will be taken care of by their expert
Jetty Tours
You need not hire a guide or touring company to explore the mighty Hoogly river. The jetty services available at cheap prices are perfect if you want to enjoy beautiful views of the 'City of Joy'. Starting at 7 a.m., you can catch a glimpse of the beautiful bridges, Vidyasagar Setu and Vivekananda Setu on your way. Religious places like Kancher Mandir, Belur Math and Dakshineshwar Temple set against the back-drop of the river are worth a watch. Photographers are sure to rejoice at the vibrant colors and sights.

 Sunderbans National Park & Tiger Reserve
Sunderbans being an endangered freshwater swamp forest, has restricted entry due to conservation regulations. The highlight of the forest is the 'tiger reserve' but you need prior permission to visit it. Rather than getting hassled about obtaining requisite permits, it is advisable to join the WTDC's Sunderban tours. The luxury vessel M.V. Chitralekha, with a seating capacity of 44 berths, takes you through the amazing marshy lands and wildlife reserves. This tour of 1 night and 2 days includes Sajnekhali Abhayaranya, Sudhayakali and Netidopani Watch Towers. For further details, visit West Bengal Tourism Office, 3/2 B.B.D.Bagh East or call +91 33 4401 2659.
Links :

Shantiniketan Tours
The complete city tour of Kolkata takes about 4-5 days, so if you have more time in hand, you must visit Shantikentan. It is the place where the great poet Rabindranath Tagore penned poems and novels. Though you can visit Shantiniketan throughout the year; the festive season is the best time to be there. Avail of the WTDC 'Shantiniketan Tours' during the Poush Utsav, Gangasagar Mela, Kenduli Mela or Basanta Utsav. Be a part of this tour and you will experience Bengali culture and their inherent love for art and creativity.

North Bengal Package Tours
Join in the North Bengal Package Tours and explore the scenic and picturesque hill station Darjeeling and also enjoy the tea plantations at Siliguri. This tour has various options that include Darjeeling-Siliguri (7 Nights, 8 days), Darjeeling-Sikkim (9 Nights, 10 Days) and Green Doors that include Siliguri, Cooch Behar and other small towns (7 Nights, 8 Days). For more details, contact West Bengal Tourism Office, 3/2 B.B.D.Bagh East, +91 33 4401 2659 or login at

River Cruises
The launches MV Sumangal, MV Sarbajaya and MV Chitralekha are available for private cruises, tours to Sunderbans and river cruises along the Hooghly River. You can also rent it for parties, corporate meetings and private outings. The rates for the packages vary as per the season. Check for in-depth information and regulations.
A point to be noted: Kolkata is not exactly meant for those who look forward to recreational or luxury travel. However, if you are interested in heritage and history, then this is the place for you!


1700 volts burns a grounded hot dog

Ameren power demonstration - 1700 volts hitting a grounded hot dog. The hot dog serves as a human analog.

Monday 2 January 2012

Sin-I Cheng, a pioneer in rocketry and aerodynamics, dies

    Sin-I Cheng, an emeritus professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at Princeton University who, in a career spanning five decades, made critical early advances in rocketry and helped develop modern computational approaches to aerodynamics, died Dec. 6 at his home in Princeton. He was 89.
Cheng, who earned his Ph.D. in aeronautical engineering from Princeton in 1952 and served on the University faculty for 41 years, developed an early expertise in the stability of liquid propellent rocket engines. He published a highly influential monograph in 1956 with his thesis adviser, Professor Luigi Crocco, describing the fluid dynamics and chemistry that could lead to overly rapid or explosive burning.
The theoretical understanding provided by this rigorous work was essential in paving the way for reliable rockets as the United States hurdled into the space race after the Sputnik launch of 1957, said Sau-Hai "Harvey" Lam, who was a graduate student at Princeton at the time and is now the Edwin S. Wilsey Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Emeritus.
"In the early days, rockets very frequently blew up on the test stands," Lam said. 
In subsequent years, Cheng made broad contributions to fluid dynamics, the field that includes understanding the flow of fast-moving gases, such as air over a wing. He published more than 100 journal articles and book chapters on subjects such as unsteady boundary layers, reacting gas dynamics, high-speed flows and turbulence. 
Working as a consultant to industry, Cheng helped develop early designs for intercontinental ballistic missiles. In 1973, Cheng was granted a patent on a method for reducing the sonic boom associated with airplanes that travel beyond the speed of sound.
As computers became more prevalent in research, Cheng was an early proponent of using them to simulate fluid flows to solve problems in aerodynamics and develop a deeper, mathematically based understanding of turbulence.
Cheng was born in Changzhou, China, and scored first in the nation in his college entrance exams, which earned him a full scholarship to a Chinese college of his choice. He earned a bachelor's degree in 1946 from the prestigious Jiao Tong University in Shanghai. In another nationwide competitive exam during his senior year, Cheng also scored exceptionally highly, winning him a government-sponsored scholarship to pursue advanced studies abroad, a rare opportunity during those war years. 
Cheng enrolled at the University of Michigan in 1948 and received his master's degree in aeronautical engineering the following year. He came to Princeton in 1949 as one of the first recipients of a highly competitive national fellowship, the Daniel and Florence Guggenheim Jet Propulsion Fellowship. At Princeton, he was one of the first Ph.D. candidates in a newly created department, then called the Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 
Cheng was appointed an instructor at Princeton in 1951, prior to earning his Ph.D., and was promoted after graduating in 1952 to research associate with the rank of assistant professor. He was awarded tenure in 1957 and promoted to the rank of full professor in 1960. Cheng retired from full-time teaching and research in 1992 but actively continued his work on the theoretical foundations of turbulence.
In recognition of his work, Cheng was named an honorary professor at Northwest (Xibei) University in Xian, China, and honorary director of the university's Thermophysics Institute. He also was a visiting professor and consultant to the National Cheng Kung University in Tainan, Taiwan. 
Following normalization of relations between the United States and China, Cheng frequently returned to China under Chinese government invitations to deliver lecture series at universities and research centers across the country. Under the auspices of the United Nations (UNESCO), he delivered an influential series of lectures in Dalian, China, in 1979 on computational aerodynamics.
Cheng also was a founding participant in a visiting scholars program that brought Chinese graduate students and young professors to study temporarily in the United States and which is credited with leading to structural improvements in the Chinese educational system.

Combining skepticism and enthusiasm

Ronald Probstein, who earned his Ph.D. in the department the same year as Cheng, said that as a student and later as a faculty member Cheng was both brilliantly quick and painstakingly careful in working through new ideas.
"He would really work to understand a new idea," said Probstein, now the Ford Professor of Engineering Emeritus at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "Where many of us would accept it and move on and use it, Sin couldn't do that. Unless he could understand it to the last T, he would just stay on it until he did."
"Years later, if we talked about a particular problem [we had solved] he was still skeptical about the approach we used," Probstein said. 
A former student of Cheng's, Sylvain Raynes, said that having Cheng as his thesis adviser was a formative experience in his career.
"The most important thing I took away was a skepticism toward what is," said Raynes, who earned his Ph.D. in 1986 and went on to a career in finance. "Whatever you read in a book may not be the whole unadulterated truth. So you must question — you must go into things in a deeper way than what is presented to you. That was Professor Cheng's own approach to everything."
Raynes noted that although he himself moved away from the field of fluid dynamics, he stayed in contact with Cheng, who worked until his death on his longtime dream of creating exact mathematical equations — as opposed to methods based on statistics — to describe turbulence. Raynes said this work was largely completed and he had helped Cheng secure a book contract before Cheng's death.
Lam, who had Cheng as an adviser when he first joined the department, recalled that Cheng's passion for his subject was infectious.
"The thing that I remember was his enthusiasm," Lam said. "He was the one who imparted not only the subject matter itself, but the beauty of the subject when he taught."
Another student at the time, William Sirignano, recalled particularly enjoying a two-semester graduate course Cheng taught on the subject of viscous fluids. "He would lose track of the clock and stay overtime, but I didn't have any class afterward, and he was just a very good lecturer," said Sirignano. "His enthusiasm was always contagious."
Sirignano also joined the faculty at Princeton and later became dean of engineering at the University of California-Irvine. Cheng was a supportive senior colleague, Sirignano recalled. "He made a younger colleague feel important."
Cheng is survived by his wife of 65 years, Jean, as well as his three surviving children Doreen, Andrew and Irene, seven grandchildren, and two great grandchildren.
Memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society to further the advancement of cancer research.